Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Musical Minds with Oliver Sacks (whom I love!)

Hey all! A quick little posting about Oliver Sacks. He is a neurologist who is fascinated by the weird and (not-so) wonderful wirings in our brains. My new art company, Thesia Arts, was named as a derivative of Synesthesia - a condition in where your senses are mis-wired in the brain, causing you to hear colors and smell music. People like Leonard Bernstein, Duke Ellington, Franz Liszt, Tori Amos, Richard Feynman and Stevie Wonder are reported to have some variation of this disease. (I don't have time to verify if these are true or not, so if you want to do my investigating for me, start here.)

And you know who turned me on to this really creative mind disorder? Oliver Sacks. His books are like poetry to me - they're so amazing.

So, Dr. Sacks wrote this book. Musicophilia. (It's a great book. Get it.) While working with his patients, he realized that a large number of them gravitated toward music in some way. And then he became obsessed by it and how music works inside our brain. So he wrote this book. And then PBS did a special on it through NOVA. And I heard about it through a New York Times article.

So there is the progression of Musicophilia. Book. Article. TV Program. I have nothing more to say, other than: click on one of those links. Oliver Sacks has a beautiful, heartbreaking and very artistic outlook on the science of the brain.

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